Nowe informacje ujawnione przez J.K. Rowling na portalu Pottermore na temat wszystkich tych elementów magicznego świata, które związane są z Hogwartem.
Ty.. ja ciebie nie krytykuję, Harry! Ale ty... no... to znaczy... czy nie uważasz, że ty masz trochę... no wiesz... lekkiego bzika na punkcie ratowania ludzi?
This is always important even today to fight to make aesthetic save specific location: historical values of, the natural terrain and cultural values. And here fast was your course. Historic district Kings Highway, staying in North Oak Cliff was initially has a as time residential building for Winnetka Heights at the beginning of the twentieth century. At the present time this area, unique by natural location between streets Davis Street and Montclair, can be proud name 1st protected area in Dallas, and remains area of historical integrity. This ravishing street from six quarters, platform and unified the natural landscape is limited him to the North, a Davis street to the South, Tyler the East and Mary cliff Western. This area became first of its kind in Dallas and second conservation area in Texas. In 1988, when at the kings Highway in one quarter in the plan flats have been implemented huge spoiling the view box is the first step to violate integrity space. Building not even came on the street. There was no style, no grace, wasn't continuity with other houses in the neighborhood. He just stuck out, totally ridiculous. 86-m the last century was made new verification of, is known to as reserve. To protect authenticity this area, locals grouped and created reserve KHCD area. As of March 23, 1988 assistant local Prosecutor signed decree, and he was approved city Council of Dallas. Thus Dallas has got his first of the protected area.
Rekord OnLine: 5422
Data rekordu:
10 September 2024 23:44
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