Nowe informacje ujawnione przez J.K. Rowling na portalu Pottermore na temat wszystkich tych elementów magicznego świata, które związane są z Hogwartem.
Dom:Gryffindor Ranga: Drugoroczniak Punktów: 94 Ostrzeżeń: 0 Komentarzy: 43 Data rejestracji: 17.01.10 Medale: Brak
No tak, rzeczywiście super to wygląda, ale myślę, że to jest trochę "naciągane", ponieważ wszystkie zdjęcia z gier mają za zadanie zareklamować daną grę więc muszą być zmodyfikowane, aby wyglądały lepiej niż gra. Oczywiście nie przeczę, że grafika jest naprawdę dobra.
Dom:Bezdomny Ranga: Zawodnik Quidditcha Punktów: 135 Ostrzeżeń: 0 Komentarzy: 45 Data rejestracji: 22.12.11 Medale: Brak
Everyone loves to look stylish and stunning, so they need RepLica WatcheS, but women are more into it and spend more money and energy just to get the perfect unique fashion accessories. For a woman to look elegant and stylish she is in need of a perfect watch matching her taste and status. One such brand is Rolex but everyone is well aware of the fact that buying Rolex ladies watch is a huge investment which is not possible for every lady to have it on her wrist. But to look elegant and sophisticated she will opt for its alternative rolex replica watches having the same designs, same appearance and same features but will never make holes in your pockets.Due to its intricate designs and remarkable quality replica rolex watches become womens first choice and are highly adopted by women throughout the world. Replica Rolex watches and rolex daytona replica watches are among the prestigious and unique womens fashion accessories that are crafted with eager attention toward its minute details just to make them according to the needs of women. These replica Rolex watches are made with the latest trends and fashion and women are purchasing more than one replica Rolex watches because they are very affordable and can be purchased by all watch lovers.
Rekord OnLine: 5422 Data rekordu:
10 September 2024 23:44
"" is in no way affiliated with the copyright owners of "Harry Potter", including J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros., Bloomsbury, Scholastic and Media Rodzina.