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Gdybyś był(a) nauczycielem w Hogwarcie, to jakiego przedmiotu byś uczył(a)? (aut. Bochenek89)

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Potężny Dumbledore
Potężny Dumbledore
W tej krótkiej chwili Harry po raz pierwszy do końca zrozumiał, dlaczego mówiono, że Dumbledore jest jedynym czarodziejem, którego lęka się Voldemort. Gdy tak stał i patrzył na nieruchome ciało Szalonookiego Moody'ego, twarz miał straszną, przerażającą, grożną. Nie było na niej ani śladu zwykłego dobrotliwego uśmiechu, w oczach nie płonęły wesołe błyski. Była to twarz człowieka ogarniętego zimną furią, a z całej jego postaci promieniowała taka zniewalająca moc, jakby wydzielał z siebie falę przerażającego żaru.
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Data rejestracji 06 March 2023 21:19
Ostatnia wizyta 06 March 2023 21:20
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Data urodzin wrzesień 20 1988
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Animal crossing: new horizons player recently created a fanart depicting how flick and cj tunic of the wild's room would look like in game. With two new special inhabitants in animal crossing: new horizons, fans have probably wondered about the characters' shared space ever since they suddenly realized they were roommates in a life sim. It seems there is no stopping fans when it comes to making fan art for animal crossing: new horizons. There are a lot of new elements on the web regularly, in any building, artwork that other fans can appreciate, or real inspiring buildings in games that betters can emulate in their own playthrough. What's more, the gaming community seems to be particularly fixated on the unique villagers. And in the beginning, therefore, they form an art centered around the characters they often find wandering around their island paradise. Maybe On reddit user thingamajig_dingus posted a fan art they created imagining what the cj room would look like and flick from animal crossing: new horizons. On the art, you can examine two special villagers. Cj is lying on a bunk bed and flick seems to be handling custom merchandise. Fans will probably enjoy browsing through the art, given that there are little details related to flick and cj's new interests. You will be able to read this on the walls and floors, which are filled with signs, posters and tools for fishing and catching bugs. . Many were also interested in discussing the dynamics of cj and flick's relationship in animal crossing: new horizons, however the game seemed to point to the fact that the characters were cooler than just roommates. Other topics raised included relationships between several characters as parents, discussions between cj and flick about fish-eating bugs, and more. Given that cj and flick are fictional characters, one animal crossing: new horizons wonders how interested players become when they talk about them. It has to do with how big the influence of each character is that everyone currently, when nintendo hasn't announced a popular game, the community keeps talking about them. I hope they form again when an unknown animal crossing game is launched in the future.
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~Grande Rodent F 17-05-2024 12:28

PS. Do bobów szczura w piwnicy, to forum naprawdę zdechło Płacze
~Grande Rodent F 17-05-2024 12:28

A co sądzicie o nowym serialu o HP dla HBO Max.
~Grande Rodent F 11-03-2024 02:09

Na razie oscary zgodnie z przewidywaniami.
~Grande Rodent F 10-03-2024 22:48

Dzisiaj Oscary będą oglądane...
~Anna Potter F 23-02-2024 01:49

~raven F 12-02-2024 19:06

~ulka_black_potter F 30-01-2024 19:46

~ulka_black_potter F 30-01-2024 19:45

myślałam, ze zniknęła na amen
~ulka_black_potter F 30-01-2024 19:45

o, strona jednak ożyła
^N F 29-01-2024 17:11

~HariPotaPragneCie F 25-11-2023 14:51

~Miona F 23-11-2023 00:28

Czarodziej Czarodziej Czarodziej
#Ginny Evans F 22-11-2023 22:07

Duch Duch Duch
~raven F 21-11-2023 20:22

~Miona F 25-10-2023 14:12

hej Uśmiech
#Ginny Evans F 19-10-2023 21:32

~TheWarsaw1920 F 24-08-2023 23:06

Duch Duch Duch
~raven F 20-08-2023 23:01

Doszly mnie sluchy, ze sa czarodzieje, ktorzy chcieliby sie wprowadzic do Hogsmeade, a magiczne bariery to uniemozliwiaja. W takiej sytuacji prosze o maila na adres widoczny w moim profilu Uśmiech
^N F 11-08-2023 19:19

~HariPotaPragneCie F 12-07-2023 20:52


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